617 Kurse von 21 Anbietern. bitte Ort oder Anbietername eingeben - Gießen, Englisch, VHS...
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Englisch B2

Volkshochschule - VHS Landkreis Gießen, Kreuzweg 33, 35423 Lich


Keep Talking

Are you looking for an opportunity to brush up your English and practice speaking it in a cheerful atmosphere?
In this conversation course we enjoy talking about various things like current issues, stories, newspaper articles or video clips, go to theatre performances, play games and much more. A lot of fun is guaranteed.

7 Termin(e)

Dienstag, 19:45 Uhr

Sonstiges Merkmal
B2 (Sprachniveau, Aufbaustufe) i


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